BEPC Breakfast Meeting - Charitable Planning: From the Simple to the Sophisticated

CE 2 Hours
Sponsored by The ASSOCIATED: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Charitable Planning: From the Simple to the Sophisticated
The program will focus on popular charitable giving strategies that practitioners will find useful for their typical clients. The information presented will include a discussion of the basic rules of charitable giving, as well as more sophisticated applications of common techniques. Topics will include the final regulations addressing charitable substantiation, outright gifts, use of life insurance, bargain sales, gifts of remainder interests in residences and farms, conservation easements, charitable remainder and charitable lead trusts, planning with retirement assets, interesting uses for charitable gift annuities, disaster relief, and a comparison of private foundations, supporting organizations, and donor advised funds.
7:00 Registration
7:15 Breakfast, Coffee & Networking
8:00 Welcome and Introductions
8:15 Presentation
Two Meeting Requirement – To maintain membership in the Baltimore Estate Planning Council, active members are required to attend at least two educational meetings annually. Reservations must be pre-paid.
Cancellation Policy – Reservations must be canceled in writing or by e-mail and received no later than Friday, November 29, 2019.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Turney P. Berry concentrates his practice in the areas of estate planning, fiduciary matters, and charitable planning. Mr. Berry is Chair of Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs’ Trusts, Estates & Personal Planning Service Team and a past member of the firm’s Executive Committee.
Mr. Berry is active in the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC), currently serving as Chair of the Estate & Gift Committee and State Chair for Kentucky, and is a past Regent of the College, former President of the ACTEC Foundation, and previous chair of the Charitable and Tax Exempt Committee.
As a Uniform Law Commissioner, Mr. Berry currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Drafting Committee on Electronic Wills Act, Member of the Drafting Committee to Revise the Uniform Probate Code, Member of the Drafting Committee on Economic Rights of Unmarried Cohabitants Act, and Member of the Drafting Committee on Revised Disposition of Community Property Rights at Death Act. He has served as chair of the Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act (UFIPA), chair of the Uniform Power of Appointment Act, and as a member of the drafting committees for Directed Trusts, Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets (revised act), Decanting, Insurable Interests, Premarital and Marital Agreements, Transfer on Death Deeds, and the Uniform Probate Code Artificial Reproductive Technology provisions.
For the American Bar Association, Mr. Berry serves as Co-Chair of the Charitable Planning Committee for the Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law and on the Conservation Easement Task Force.
Mr. Berry is a Fellow of the American College of Tax Counsel, a member of the American Law Institute, a member of the Advisory Council of the Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, a Member of the Advisory Board of Trusts and Estates Monthly, a member of the Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Trust and Estates Act, and a member of the Bloomberg BNA Tax Advisory Board (Estates, Gifts, and Trusts). He serves as Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami Estate Planning LLM Program (Business Succession Planning), and has served as Adjunct Professor at Vanderbilt University, the University of Missouri, and the University of Louisville, and regularly speaks at the nation's leading estate planning conferences. Since 1996, Mr Berry has served as Co-Chair of the Midwest/Midsouth Estate Planning Institute at the University of Kentucky (the longest continuously run CLE event in Kentucky).
Mr. Berry has been certified as an Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®) by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils and is a member of its Estate Planning Hall of Fame [Kentucky does not recognize legal specialties]. He is listed in Woodward/White’s The Best Lawyers in America® and in the Kentucky Super Lawyer Magazine in the area of Trusts and Estates.
Mr. Berry is the author or co-author of three Tax Management Portfolios: Estate Tax Deductions - Sections 2053 and 2054; Private Foundations - Self Dealing - Section 4941; and Taxable Expenditures - Section 4945. In addition he is co-author of Trust Law in Kentucky (in progress) and his frequent articles have appeared in numerous journals and magazines. Mr. Berry received the Texas Bar Foundation Outstanding Law Review Article award for an article he co-authored with Paul Lee titled “Retaining, Sustaining and Obtaining Basis” which was published by the Texas Tech Estate Planning and Community Property Law Journal in January 2015
Mr. Berry has been an Articles Editor of The Tax Lawyer and a past chair of the Louisville Bar Association Probate and Estate Planning Section (1989 Section of the Year). He is a member of the Louisville Estate Planning Council, Kentuckiana Planned Giving Council, and an adjunct member of the American Association of Life Underwriters.
Mr. Berry is Chair of the Center for Interfaith Relations, a Director of Kentucky Opera, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Muhammad Ali Center, and Earth School/Carbon Nation. He is a member of Louisville Downtown Rotary, a Member of the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, and is a past President of the Daily Bread Sunday School Class at Christ Church United Methodist. Mr. Berry is the recipient of the National Philanthropy Day Baylor Landrum Award and is a Distinguished Citizen of Louisville.
A native of Tennessee, Mr. Berry received his B.A. and B.L.S. in 1983 from the University of Memphis and his J.D. in 1986 from Vanderbilt University.