NAEPC Webinar Viewing Party: 529 Planning: Happy 25th Birthday

About the Program
College savings accounts under Section 529 have grown up over the past 25 years, with numerous changes to the law. They are wildly popular and very accessible to our clients. But the tax laws are complicated, many questions remain unanswered and there are still no final regulations in sight. Learn what’s now permitted under Section 529 and how to avoid some of the pitfalls.
About the Speaker
Susan T. Bart is a partner in the Private Clients, Trusts & Estates Group of the Chicago office of Schiff Hardin LLP. She is a Fellow of The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) and Chair of ACTEC’s Estate and Gift Tax Committee. Susan is recognized in Band 1, Chambers Private Wealth Law.
Continuing Education
Continuing education credit is available at most webinars for Accredited Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will be made available for those professionals who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements and are able to self-file. It is the responsibility of the attendee to determine whether their state, discipline, or designation will allow one to self-file for a distance-learning program. Please contact prior to attending your first program if you have any questions with regard to the availabililty of credit.
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