NAEPC Webinar Viewing Party: Estate Planning for Modern Families: Planning for Diversity and Flexibility

About the Program
As the traditional nuclear family has changed because of evolving social and legal norms as well as scientific and technological developments, estate planning professionals must be prepared both for issue spotting and thoughtful problem solving with regard to issues clients face, how existing trusts are interpreted, and how new estate planning instruments can be drafted for sufficient flexibility. This discussion will touch upon a potpourri of issues to consider, including: Marital Status (single, divorced, unmarried couples and polyamorous relationships); Defining Descendants (stepchildren, adoption, nonmarital children and assisted reproductive technologies); and other forms of Diversity (disability, LGBTQIA+, religious, racial and cultural inclusion) . . . and more!
About the Speakers
Wendy S. Goffe is a partner with the law firm of Stoel Rives LLP, Seattle, Washington with thirty years of experience counseling clients on estate planning issues. Her experience includes advising clients on matters including probate and trust administration, estate and gift taxation, charitable and nonprofit trusts and corporations, family-owned business succession and issues concerning unmarried couples. She has also worked extensively with living artists, artists’ estates and foundations, art collectors, museums and cultural organizations, and other diverse creative clients. She has been interviewed by and written for many national publications and was previously a contributor to Ms. Goffe was a member of the Executive Committee of the Estate Planning Council of Seattle.
Kim Kamin, JD, AEP®, is a Principal at Gresham Partners, LLC, an independent wealth management firm currently serving select ultra-high net worth families nationally. At Gresham, Ms. Kamin is the Chief Wealth Strategist, leading the development and implementation of estate, wealth transfer, philanthropic, educational, and fiduciary planning activities. Previously she was a partner at a large Chicago law firm where she practiced in trusts and estates for many years. She is an adjunct professor at Northwestern University Law School, on faculty with the University of Chicago Business School Executive Education, on the Editorial Advisory Board of Trusts and Estates Magazine, an ACTEC Regent, Estate Planning Domain Chair for the UHNW Institute, and immediate past president of the Chicago Estate Planning Council.
Continuing Education
Continuing education credit is available at most webinars for Accredited Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will be made available for those professionals who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements and are able to self-file. It is the responsibility of the attendee to determine whether their state, discipline, or designation will allow one to self-file for a distance-learning program. Please contact prior to attending your first program if you have any questions with regard to the availabililty of credit.
Zoom Link
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