BEPC's NAEPC Webinar Viewing Party: The Best Practices in Social Security and Medicare Planning

About the Program
This dynamic session will explore the best strategies in Social Security and Medicare planning. Topics to be discussed include retirement planning with and without Social Security, calculating the retirement benefit, determining the best starting date for Social Security, considerations for other family beneficiaries', and maximizing survivor's benefits, and understanding Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). By the end of the presentation, you will be equipped with valuable insights and actionable strategies to make the most of Social Security and Medicare benefits.
About the Speaker
Julie A. Welch is a shareholder and Director of Taxation with Meara Welch Browne, P.C. in the Kansas City area where she advises individuals and businesses. She speaks nationally on tax-saving topics and writes for several financial planning and business publications. She was awarded the 2015 AICPA Sid Kess Award for Excellence in Continuing Education.
Randy Gardner is the managing member of Goals Gap Planning, LLC, a financial education firm providing services to individuals and financial entities. A former Professor at the University of Missouri, Randy speaks nationally on tax, retirement, and estate planning issues. He also writes for many publications, serves as a columnist for The Journal of Financial Planning, and advises tax and estate planning clients.
Continuing Education
Continuing education credit is available at most webinars for Accredited Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will be made available for those professionals who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements and are able to self-file. It is the responsibility of the attendee to determine whether their state, discipline, or designation will allow one to self-file for a distance-learning program. Please contact prior to attending your first program if you have any questions with regard to the availabililty of credit.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 827 1577 5458
Passcode: 837533