BEPC Education Program: How the Living Will & Estate Planning Document put your Safety at Risk as a Patient

2 CFP Credits Approved
Sponsored by Alex Brown
07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast and Networking
08:00 - 10:00 Program
ABOUT THE PROGRAM: How the Living Will and Estate Planning Document put your safety at risk as a patient. This webinar will:
- Define & describe the living will & healthcare POA documents
- Provide clinical examples of how the common documents get misinterpreted and cause harm.
- Discuss wrongful prolongation of life and wrongful death and the impact on the estate.
- Review newer video technologies such as MIDEO to improve patient care and safety.
- Define how partnerships between estate professional and medicine can improve overall client and patient safety.
Dr. Mirarchi serves as a reviewer for many nationally peer review scientific journals such as CHEST and JAGS as well as is an Editorial Board Member for Patient Safety Magazine. He is the author of Understanding Your Living Will; What You Need to Know before a Medical Emergency, published by Addicus Books. He is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and a fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.
Previously he served as the Medical Director of the UPMC Hamot Emergency Department in Erie, Pennsylvania, and was the Chief of Emergency Services for UPMC’s Northern Tier of Emergency Services and also served as the Chairman of the UPMC Hamot Physician Network Governance Council.
Two Meeting Requirement: To maintain membership in the Baltimore Estate Planning Council, active members are required to attend at least two (2) IN-PERSON educational meetings annually.
Cancellation Policy: Reservations must be canceled in writing or by e-mail and received no later than Friday, September 20, 2024.